Safe and Unsafe Situations | Safety Tips for Kids!

Safe and Unsafe Situations and Places What is a stranger? A stranger is someone that you 
or your family do not know.  Anyone can be a stranger 
until you get to know them.  Strangers do not always look scary.
Strangers can be nice and friendly. What are strangers Like? Strangers might be nice. Strangers might be mean. Staying safe if you are Lost If are lost or feel unsafe and 
your grown-up is not near you,   look for a safer stranger to talk to for help.

What is a safer stranger? Some strangers are ‘safer strangers’. Safer 
strangers are people who you can talk to and   they will help you if you get lost. Safer 
strangers wear a uniform and a badge. If you can’t see a safer stranger,   look for a safer building to go 
into. Ask the people inside to help. Tell the safer stranger your name.
You should also tell them the   telephone number of the person who 
looks after you if you know it. What is a safer building? Places like supermarkets, petrol 
stations and schools are safer buildings. Keeping safe around strangers Sometimes people can seem nice, but 
they might be trying to trick you.

Remember, if anyone makes you feel sad,   scared or uncomfortable, you should 
talk to grown-ups at home and at school. Here are some rules to help you 
to stay safe around strangers. Never go anywhere on your own with
a stranger. Never get in a car with a stranger. If a stranger offers you a 
present, say “NO” very loudly If someone scares you, go to a safer place, 
or tell a safer grown-up. Yell. Run. Tell! If a stranger asks you to keep something 
a secret, tell a trusted adult.

Important things to remember! Only talk to strangers if your 
teacher or parent says it is OK. Never take sweets from a stranger. Never take toys from a stranger. Never go anywhere with a stranger 
even if they say they know you. Always tell your teacher 
or parent about strangers. When you go out, you must always listen to 
your teacher or parent and stay with them. In an emergency you must ask 
a safer stranger for help.

If you can’t see a safer stranger,   look for a safer building to go 
into. Ask the people inside to help. Check out the Twinkl website for more 
activities to help children stay safe..

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